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Bridge Course Information

An Introduction to Teaching Squares: A Peer Observation Program

The TILT-sponsored Teaching Squares offers teaching faculty an opportunity to observe colleagues in action and reflect on their own teaching practices. A teaching square is a group of four instructors who agree to observe each other a few times during a semester, using an agreed upon set of observation norms. Participants are coached in setting a personal teaching goal ​using the Teaching Effectiveness Framework and then observe others to give feedback and reflect on their own practice. The program is designed to be a non-evaluative, supportive and growth-based process. Teaching Squares are available for faculty teaching residential, hybrid, and online courses. Attend this informational session to see if Teaching Squares is a good fit for you!
Dates and Times:
August 9, 2022 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Registration Deadline: August 8, 2022 1:00 PM
Registration is closed.