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Student Conversations in the Margins: Practical Tips on Talking Before and After class and During Office Hours

Talking to students before and after class is another place where pedagogy can happen. How do you use the margins of the class period, the 10 minutes before or after class, to build professional, helpful relationships with students? During office hours, how do you make students comfortable enough to ask their real question, especially when they're afraid the question is "stupid"? What are useful phrases to change the topic or re-direct the conversation? How do you end a drop-by conversation when a student wants to stay too long? What are important differences between a professional and helpful relationship with students and one that is too informal? What if the student is in emotional trouble? This hands-on, practical workshop will help GTAs and other instructors teach outside classroom hours in more informal spaces and (1) learn practical tips and tricks for responding, redirecting, and closing conversations; (2) strike the right balance between being empathetic and professional; (3) understand how to create a professional persona in non-classroom spaces. There will be time for questions and role-playing. Teaching Effectiveness Framework Alignment: Student Motivation. If you have issues registering, please contact Kira Marshall-McKelvey.
Dates and Times:
February 28, 2022 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Registration Deadline: February 27, 2022 4:30 PM
Registration is closed.