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Bridge Course Information

Teaching Squares for Online Courses

A teaching square is a group of four instructors who agree to observe each other a few times during a semester, using an agreed upon schedule and set of observation norms. The Teaching Squares program offers teaching faculty an opportunity to observe colleagues in action and reflect on their own teaching practices. It is designed to be a non-evaluative, supportive and growth-based process. Participants are coached in setting a personal teaching goal and then observe others to give feedback and reflect on their own practice. NOTE: Teaching Squares is a 16-hour commitment across the course of a semester and the scheduled kick-off session is required for instructors participating in the Teaching Squares cohort.
Dates and Times:
September 2, 2021 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Registration Deadline: September 1, 2021 9:00 AM
Registration is closed.