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Bridge Course Information

Zoom Video Integration and File Management with Echo360

Did you know that Zoom videos can be set up to integrate with Echo360, our campus video file management system? Come learn more about how to set this up and what it might look like for your course videos. Learn how to use settings in an Echo360 account to automatically upload and store your Zoom videos, and even make them available to your students through Canvas! Eventually, CSU will only store Zoom recordings for a limited time, so it is important to determine how to set up your recorded meetings to associate with an Echo360 course section and then link that to the Canvas course. Once set up the videos will be available in an Echo360 tab in Canvas for your students to easily access. Done this way, you will have student analytics such as time spent viewing recordings, and other useful info to help drive your instruction. Audience: Faculty/Instructors and any teaching staff using Zoom recordings in their courses.
Dates and Times:
August 11, 2021 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Registration Deadline: August 10, 2021 1:00 PM
Registration is closed.