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Student Mental Health and Wellbeing- Data and Resources

Students are all facing a huge amount of change as they gain skills to cope during the pandemic. In this time of increasing stress, and multiple challenges, faculty and staff are asking about ways to support student wellbeing. This session provides an overview of CSU students' mental health data and how it compares nationally. Discover new or updated resources, including digital and online tools, that are available to assist students with their well-being. Learn about CSU's Wellbeing Tool Kit, an online resource that faculty and staff can use in academic environments. Learn about Silver Cloud, a Cognitive Behavior Therapy tool, new functions of You@ CSU, and Nod an app focused on loneliness. Come with questions and leave with a bigger tool kit for undergrad and graduate students. Goals: Gain insight into student mental health and learn about resources including several online digital tools that support students in their well-being. Participants will be able to ask questions to staff members from the CSU Health Network regarding these topics. Targeted audience: Faculty and staff who teach, work, or interacts with students in any capacity.
Dates and Times:
August 12, 2021 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Registration Deadline: August 11, 2021 1:00 PM
Registration is closed.