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Teaching Effectiveness Framework Overview

Join TILT for a tour of the Teaching Effectiveness Framework developed to guide faculty and department chairs in the process of defining, enhancing, and evaluating teaching effectiveness at CSU. After extensive research into best practices in teaching and learning, along with feedback from CSU faculty and leadership, the TILT Teaching Effectiveness Team has identified 7 domains for effective teaching and, therefore, student learning. Although the Framework separates each of the criteria, TILT recognizes the deep connections among them. The team has developed a program that outlines a process for departments and faculty to set teaching goals and evaluate teaching effectiveness. The program includes a set of tools that can be modified by each department or individuals to meet their needs as they grow their teaching practice.
Dates and Times:
August 5, 2019 10:00 AM - 11:50 AM
Registration Deadline: August 4, 2019 10:00 AM
Registration is closed.